There was a day when Christians had to speak in code. Here is one example.
Hint: What do these all have in common?
- a partridge in a pear tree
- two turtle doves
- three French hens
- four calling birds
- five golden rings
- six geese a-laying
- seven swans a-swimming
- eight maids a-milking
- nine ladies dancing
- ten lords a-leaping
- eleven pipers piping
- twelve drummers drumming
Ah you say, it’s the 12 Days of Christmas song! Yes it is, but it is said that from 1558 – 1829 Catholics couldn’t worship openly so they used this song to pass the message. Match the numbers up for yourself.
- Christ crucified
- Old and New Testaments
- Three abiding gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The four Gospels
- First five books of the Bible
- Six days of creation
- Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Eight beatitudes
- Nine fruit of the Holy Spirit
- Ten Commandments
- Eleven faithful disciples
- Twelve points in apostles creed
The repeated line, ‘my true love gave to me,’ represents God who gives the gifts to me/you.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 36:7, NIV)
Prayer – Thank you, God, for the freedom we now have to speak of your love. Amen
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