Maybe we could find a scripture verse to back up these sayings but I’ll let you read them as they stand.
Some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.
Be careful what you say. You might have to eat it.
It may be that your life’s purpose is to serve as a warning to others.
Do not put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because you’ll have nothing to stand on.
Enjoy the scenery, even when you are stuck in a construction zone.
Chocolate is definitely a food group!
On second thought…
The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are vain (empty and futile—only a breath). Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord, and teach out of Your law. (Psalm 94:11-12)
Prayer-Lord, draw us to your Word because it is alive and full of power, it is active, operative, energizing, and effective. Thanks God. In Christ. Amen. (From Hebrews 4:12, AMP)
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