Squash Salvation

Yes even in our stupidest mess we beg you for help and expect you to give it…we confess that we are guilty.

So the undesirable spaghetti squash I don’t like is merrily cooking in the pan I don’t like. The end is in sight for me. I will have to eat that stupid thing and then clean the pan, adding insult to injury. UGH!

I opened the oven door and discovered the whole mess needed more water in the pan. I added some cold water and lo and behold the Lord saved me once again out of my own mess. I should have added hot water.

The cold water shock shattered that glass pan into a million pieces. It punctured that awful squash. It made a mess all over my oven and down to the drawer below. It was an awful mess to clean up.

I tell you honestly though, that I rejoiced throughout the whole thing because God rescued me from that squash and the pan I liked even less.

Now that squash is a small thing but you and I both know that God has often rescued us out of worse messes, the kind that we bring on ourselves. God keeps his promises.

Prayer – Lord, rescue us from every evil attack (even the squash kind!) and bring us safely to your heavenly kingdom. To you be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. (From 2 Timothy 4:18, NIV)

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