Yes, it’s Mother’s Day and I expect you await some soppy message about love, goodness and honouring your parents. Today, though I want to thank strong mothers; women who take their mothering seriously. Mothers who raise their children with table manners, respect for their elders, respect for the law and other painful teaching points.
My children loved to use the word ‘AIN’T.’ I called them on it, and they chirped that some of the relatives used the word all the time. I laid down the law.
“I don’t care if they do. You will not use that word. It is not proper English.” It took time and a few corrections on my part but they stopped using it.
If strong mothers counted the times they said “Tidy your room. Put your clothes in the laundry. Finish your green beans. Get ready. We are going to church; we would be millionaires.
Instead, we raised children with decent morals who could eat with the Queen if necessary and not put us to shame. True, some of our children are not walking with the Lord right now, but God’s promise still holds true. Keep praying.
Start children off on the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not turn from it.
(Proverbs 22:6, NIV)
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