
You may have read this on October 10, our Canadian Thanksgiving, but here is a reminder for you on the American one.

Moms whip up a turkey with trimmings, gather the family together and enjoy the festivities.
I suddenly realized this year that Thanksgiving is actually made up of two words. Thanks and Giving.

As to the thanks, we are grateful, aren’t we? Grateful for family, friends and fellowship and maybe a bit more, but what about the giving part? What do we give at thanksgiving? Well, those moms pour blood, sweat and tears into that meal. They give their all for the family. Everything must be perfect! (And we families expect nothing less!) What do we give back? Hopefully we at least do the dishes.

What do we give to God and to his followers or to the folks that don’t yet know enough to follow him? That’s the question. What are we willing to give, even if we don’t get, even if everything isn’t perfect?

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11, NIV)

Prayer – Father, please help us be the kind of people who both thank AND give. Amen

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