The Bible often mentions Abraham and God’s covenant with him.
On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates—(Genesis 15:18, NIV)
May I point out that God had some thoughts for Sarah as well? He changed her name, promised to bless her and give the couple a child together. God promised she would be the mother of nations and birth kings. (Genesis 15:17-18, NIV)
God promised her a son and even named him for her. (Genesis 17:19, NIV)
God even gently corrected her when she laughed about the birth promise.
Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son. ”Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.”
But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.” (Genesis 18: 13-15, NIV)
It is said that behind every successful man is a woman. Without Sarah, Abraham would have been in a pretty pickle. So dear ladies, when you get tired of laundry, meals, and clean-up, have your own conversation with God. Help your partner to be the best he can be. After all, a good husband will do the same for you.
Prayer- Lord when we tire of the mundane, thank you for the promise that nothing we do is in vain when it is for your glory. Amen.
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