I bought an orange coat with our farm tax money. Young and foolish? Certainly. Sorry for ever after? Absolutely. Many a marriage flew gone down the drain for less. What made the difference in ours? Yes, my hubby was tender-hearted. Yes, he loved me more than the tax money.
However, before our marriage, we consciously decided that the word divorce would never cross our lips. We were in it through thick and then. Ron suffered through episodes like the coat while I suffered through episodes of shame and personal unforgiveness. In fact I wore that coat to shreds for the shame of it.
Ron also suffered through sleepless nights when I woke screaming after nightmares of childhood abuse.
I could continue with my list of personal failures. Yet if you asked Ron who got the best deal in our marriage, he would tell you that he did. Go figure.
That's what forgiving love looks like. Each one wills to forgive the other. Each one loves the other just the way they are……and helps them grow to a new, healthier place.
Malachi 2:16- For the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I hate divorce and marital separation and him who covers his garment [his wife] with violence. Therefore keep a watch upon your spirit [that it may be controlled by My Spirit], that you deal not treacherously and faithlessly [with your marriage mate]. (AMP)
Prayer: Lord when we choose getting our own way over love, call us to our senses….Amen.
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