Lately, I find myself dwelling on long ago memories of big gatherings and family dinners. I expect that’s because we are socially distancing right now and truly, I miss those times.
My Granny created stellar meal events. She always had a little special something for everyone at the table. One of our favourite Granny stories is the Christmas, she served eleven different side dishes. (Yes, we counted!) They ranged from canned spaghetti for us kids, because it was a treat that we never got at home…to creamed celery, because a cousin once mentioned that she had it once at a high-class restaurant.
Not one to say the words I love you; Granny displayed her feelings with foods that spoke louder than words.
Whenever I visited on my own, she’d turn out my favorite feast of homemade bread and a huge bowl of heavily buttered squash. Together, we’d clean up the whole batch and then share a satisfied grin over our empty plates.
The Bible doesn’t speak of serving guests their favourite foods but God clearly expects us to entertain guests and treat them well. We can gather our strength and practice up for the future.
Practice hospitality to one another. Be hospitable, be a lover of strangers, with brotherly affection for the unknown guests, the foreigners, the poor, and all others who come your way who are of Christ’s body. And in each instance do it ungrudgingly without complaining but as representing Him. (From 1 Peter 4:9, AMPC)
Or we can just boil it down to this.
Show hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9, ESV).
Even now friends, we can take a batch of tea biscuits next door!
Prayer- Father give us opportunities today to show your love to those around us. Amen.
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