Christians might be the worst gossipers ever. We like to eat our own and are willing to believe almost any floating rumor. Sometimes we even add to them. Shame on us!
Let the pastor dare to wear a red shirt and we judge and twiddle our words on the subject over lunch.
Let the choir leader wear a skirt above the ankle and we have her hooked up with the local newly widowed gentleman in the far left pew.
We delight in destroying the ministry of others. Shame on us! Loving our brother means not telling tall tales about him/her.
And this command (charge, order, and injunction) we have from Him: that he who loves God shall love his brother [believer] also (1 John 4:21, AMP)
Prayer- Lord, remind us to think before we speak and then discard most of what we were going to say. Amen.
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