You can call me a “wip” and I can call you one, because that is what we are. A “wip” is a “work in progress.”
That said, what kind of wip are you? A work in progress means it is in some state of moving forward.
Are you a wip considering who to follow? The answer is …Christ.
Are you a wip considering how to follow? The answer is…pray.
Are you a wip considering when to follow? The answer is… now.
Are you a wip considering what to follow? The answer is…the Gospel of Christ, the Bible.
Are you a wip considering where to follow? The answer is… where ever he leads you.
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16, NIV)
Prayer – Lord may we all be wips for the glory of God. Amen
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