I was a picky child who refused the white of eggs and bowls of homemade soup. Those are the two that stick out in my mind but I have no doubt my mom could add to that list. I know better now. Here is one of my favourites you might like to try.
Chicken Taco Soup
- 3 skinless chicken breasts, diced (if you don’t care about calories, use skinless thigh meat)
- 1 small onion, diced
- 1 can of kernel corn
- 1 can of black beans (or kidney if you prefer)
- 1 can of diced tomatoes
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 1-2 cloves crushed garlic
- taco seasoning (1/2- 1 package according to your taste buds!)
Toss everything in your slow cooker for 4-5 hours and then enjoy. This makes a large quantity and freezes well
As I said, I used to be really picky but I am not picky about the Word of God. All of the Bible is meant for our use, even the parts we don’t care for.
By pretending some of God’s Word is not worthy, we might as well rip those pages out of our Bible.
When Silas and Timothy and I proclaimed the Son of God among you, did you pick up on any yes-and-no, on-again, off-again waffling? Wasn’t it a clean, strong Yes? (2 Corinthians 1:18-19, MSG)
Prayer- Oh God, forgive us for choosing the blessings you promise and yet not the truth of disobedience. Amen.
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