Do you remember my statement on the first devotional of 2017?
“Aren’t you tired of making the same old resolutions; the ones about smoking, overeating, not spending so much? The kind of resolutions that disappear; that you forget 20 minutes into the New Year?
Yes, me too. So this year I’ve devised a new plan. I’m going to make monthly resolutions based on the letters of the month. I want them to have deeper overall meaning and the possibility of real change in my life. Please join me.”
January– Jesus Always first Now, forever; Until the end of forever, taking my Anxieties, helping me with Real peace, for You, me and all of us. (John 14:14, NIV)
February–Faith Enters By hearing –Remember You and I Are Responsible, his Yoke is easy and his burden light (Matthew 11:28-30, NIV)
March – Move with All your Resources, Convicted and Heartfelt. (Matthew 11:28, NIV)
April-All Power is Revealed In the Lord. (Romans 1:20, NIV)
How have you taken these thoughts to heart? Are there any you want to re-examine again?
Prayer-Lord thank you for showing us that in your power and your power alone, we are able. Amen.
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