What if you were a bank manager and none of your loans were ever approved?
What if you were a doctor and none of your patients ever recovered?
What if God called you to be a Billy Graham type but no one ever got saved at your meetings?
What if you worked your whole life and saw no visible success at all? That must be how John the Baptist felt occasionally.
God has brought to Israel a Savior [in the person of Jesus], according to His promise. Before His coming John had [already] preached the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.
And as John was ending his course, he asked, what or who do you secretly think that I am? I am not He [the Christ. No], but note that after me One is coming, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie! (Acts 13:23b-23, AMP)
He’s saying “I am just the advance party with no big part to play. He is coming.
In Matthew 11 John doubted his own ministry he thought God wanted him to do, yet in Matthew 11, John even doubted himself and that service.
Now when John in prison heard about the activities of Christ, he sent a message by his disciples And asked Him, Are You the One Who was to come, or should we keep on expecting a different one? (Matthew 11:2-3, AMP)
Success as the world knows it might not show up in our lifetime. The question is will we still be faithful?
Prayer- Lord we pray that you give us the courage to keep doing your will even when all seems hopeless. Amen.
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