Why unity at all; unity because of what Christ did for us. This is clearly stated in Earl Carpenter’s poem below…
The fountain of living water cried
‘I THIRST’ then bowed his head and died.
The fountain stopped, its flow was stilled
the moment that our Lord was killed.
Death rejoiced, the skies grew dark
Golgotha’s hill stood grim and stark.
Creation staggered, His grave was made
the garden trembled where He was laid.
Time marched on, morning came
life has never been the same.
(Earl Carpenter,carpenterspencil@bellnet.ca)
After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. (John 19:28, KJV)
When we know the truth of how Jesus suffered and died just for us, that alone should cause us to crave unity with Jesus. BUT when we realise that he also rose from the dead, just for us, just for you and just for me, …why there is nothing we wouldn’t do for him…right? Why not ask him to forgive your sins right now and ask him to come into your life…unify with the Christ.
Prayer- Lord, today I ask you into my life so that we are united. Thank you God!. Amen
Note: Read more of Earl’s poetry in Shavings from a Carpenters pencil and Easter with the Carpenter, available on Amazon.com
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