Pastor Heather Malnick says that prayer is something we often turn to as a last resort. After we’ve consulted the doctor, the lawyer, the teacher, the therapist, the spouse, the child, the parent….THEN we turn to God.
All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them.
Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up. He took her by the hand and helped her to her feet. Then he called for the believers, especially the widows, and presented her to them alive. (Acts 9:39b-41, NIV)
- What would happen in our lives if we turned to God in prayer first?
- What would happen if we truly believed that prayer works?
- What would happen if we shared our answered prayer stories with others?
- What would happen if we actually prayed, instead of leaving it for the other fellow?
Prayer- Lord, Let our words be prayers, not just conversations about it. Amen
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