On the first Saturday in June, the tiny town of Cookstown, Ontario explodes into a giant mob of people and stuff. Even texters stop finger-waving over their phone gadgets for the largest garage sale in the world.
How can this be? Ordinarily, dedicated texters wander aimlessly through stop lights, bump into passers-by and ignore real life to admire their fingertips. But at this garage sale, other people’s old used bits and pieces grab their attention.
I guess folks feared missing a bargain, but isn’t life itself a bargain? Isn’t it a bargain to speak to real people, face to face, expressing emotions in person? Aren’t people worth more time than things?
What draws our attention? It’s not too late to change the view.
Isaiah 55:2- Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance (NKJV).
Prayer: Father, when we chase after the wrong things, put us right, quickly. Amen.
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