Deuteronomy 30:19b-I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live (NIV).
God gave me this verse when my hubby was first diagnosed with cancer. I applied it to my negative attitude and looked for the best in our trouble.
Ron, my valiant warrior, fought the cancer for almost eleven years. Over that time, I learned to see the verse in many ways.
For instance, fruits and vegetables are healthy life choices while some high fat snack foods are not.
Safe driving is more likely to end in ‘life’ while speeding could lead to a death.
Whining and complaining have killed more than one relationship while kind words build up
You get the idea. Our choices make a difference.
There is one choice that always leads to life. Choose God.
What’s that you said, God?
Choose Life?
Even in the midst of illness, God?
Choose life?
When all signs point to death, God?
You still insist we choose life?
When our heart is broken?
Choose life?
How is that possible, God??
We choose you, the life giver?
We choose you… and we live!
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