
God has something to say to you…

Want to hear what it is?

Be prepared to discover the powerful and intensely personal relevance of God’s Word as you dig into YouTruth: A Collection of Go Deeper Devotionals That Express God's Truth for You. What awaits you within is a deeper understanding of God’s desire for an ever-growing, ever-deepening relationship with you and the lengths that He has gone to ensure its possibility.

Do you have a meaningful relationship with God? If you do, YouTruth will provide a new perspective for you to explore and discuss with Him. If your relationship with God needs a shot in the arm, YouTruth has just what you need. If you haven’t yet entered into a personal relationship with God, YouTruth will help you understand the eternal blessings that await you if you do.

YouTruth: A Collection of Go Deeper Devotionals
by Dan Buckhout
108 pages
Eloquent Books

In the introduction, author Dan Buckhout asks the question, “What if you sat down one morning at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee and there He was, sitting across from you?”

YouTruth devotionals are grouped by topic and divided into three sections. The first section deals with the relationship God wants to have with each of us. The second section covers the power God grants each of us to further His Kingdom. The third section discusses the life of Jesus.

“There are so many good books available these days.  It’s tempting to read all of them yet never truly grow personally because the truths don’t have a chance to soak into the depths of our being before we’re rushing to the next book. YouTruth, written by Dan Buckhout, is different. It’s a collection of devotionals written in a conversational style that makes it easy to read.  But what’s more, the author challenges the reader to internalize the content so it truly makes a difference in the reader’s personal walk with Christ.

“One of my favorite selections is from pages 36-37. Dan marks the distinction between 'Up Approach' versus 'Down Approach'. 'Up Approach' is lifting up good works to God as though we must earn His love. 'Down Approach' is seeking God’s plan and allowing Him to use us as conduits. This is a golden nugget of truth. But it doesn’t stop there, Dan’s writing helps me internalize this golden nugget so I can become a better follower of Christ.”–Scott Couchenour, Vice President of Operations, Cogun, Inc.

About the Author

Dan Buckhout encountered God’s amazing and personally relevant truth during six years as a Bible student and study leader of the DISCIPLE Bible study series at his church. He founded YouTruth as a writing ministry three years ago in response to God’s call to share His powerful, intimate truth with others, and provide the means and encouragement for them to do the same. Dan lives in Texas with his wife of 19 years and their two sons. Dan's blogs appear regularly on Everyday Christian.


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