Do we really know what goes on inside the mind of someone with dementia? My husband does. He has been there, and has experienced it first hand. When God healed…
When our daughter's first case worker appeared at our door we were sceptic. What did he know about the battles of the mind? I was convinced that all she needed…
Read More A Case Worker Helped End The Bipolar Disorder Nightmare
It happened weeks before our daughter had her first real break and we found out that she had bipolar disorder. We didn't know that something disparately wrong was happening in…
Shopping together with any one of my daughters had always been a source of pride for me. They were so beautiful and classy that people would stop and turn to…
Read More The Shrinking Of Self For The Bipolar Disorder Or Dementia Care Giver
Remembering back over ten years ago to the police officer's phone call still gives me a chill. “Mrs. Flett, We have taken your daughter to the hospital. We found her…
Read More Christians And Mental Illness: Our Experience With Bipolar Disorder
I have a field of expertise I did not choose. On the contrary, I purposed in my heart to stay as far away from it as I possibly could. But…
I knew something had to happen soon. My husband, Bruce was getting worse and worse. The dementia was progressing rapidly. Bruce was finding it harder and harder to form a…
Did 2010 bring you the unexpected? It did for us. One month we were roaming the countryside, taking our grandchildren to a homeschool convention in Ottawa and then judging at…
Read More 2010 Peace Of Mind Didn’t Depend Upon Circumstances
It was a storm much like the ones we've been having here lately, the wind howling in furry, and the driven snow forming white ripples on the road. The car…
Read More Trusting God To Guide My Husband Through The Storm
I was standing in line at a Christian bookstore when the lady in front of me commented on the lack of Advent inventory. She couldn't believe it. It was almost…
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