Showtime’s hit series “Dexter” is one of the most popular television shows today. The show’s namesake and main character, Dexter Morgan, is a likable young man who seems harmless enough.…
A friend once told me about a young man she knew who had an interesting, though unoriginal, religious view posted on his Facebook profile. He’d written a derogatory four letter…
Just before New Year’s Eve 2008, I went to visit my roommate and close friend from University. I had recently learned that his newborn niece Sophie had been diagnosed with…
Michael Moore masterfully attacks the system of capitalism in his newest film, “Capitalism: A Love Story”. Following his typical formula of evoking an emotional response from his audience before arguing…
It’s a widely held view that there’s nothing like a recession to improve customer service. Customer service can be defined as the provision of services or activities to customers before,…
Read More The Importance of Strong Customer Service in a Recession
Armored police officers, riots, mass hysteria, rampant vandalism and burning police cars. This may sound like a scene out of an apocalyptic movie, but sadly it is a fairly accurate…
While unions are important, history has shown them to have inherent drawbacks. George Reisman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Economics at Pepperdine University in his 2006 article provides a detailed explanation…
A divine attribute that the Bible emphasizes is fair judgement. Ezekiel 18 and Acts 10: 34-35 are just two of many instances where God’s fair and just quality is highlighted.…
The National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS) defines non-profit overhead as fundraising and administrative costs for programs run by a non-profit organization. Awareness of non-profit overhead makes many charitable donors…
Read More Non-Profit Overhead: The Issue of CEO Compensation
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