They called to say they’d be over in a half hour. WHAT?!
So, I did what my English friends call a “quick whip around.” I gathered the knitting from the easy chair and tossed yesterday’s newspaper into the blue bin. Then I hid the dirty dishes in the dish washer and drew the covers up on the unmade bed.
These were all chores that should have been taken care of the day before, but hey—I figured no one would ever see it but me. WRONG! You just never know who is going to pop in!
‘Yesterday’ is mentioned less than ten times in the Bible. I guess God would rather we lived in ‘Today!’
I spent a lot of time today doing yesterday stuff. Let’s get to our today stuff today, so we won’t have to do a quick whip around tomorrow.
What day are you in?
Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today. (Matthew 6:34, AMP)
Prayer – Father God, forgive us for the time wasted on yesterday tasks today. Amen
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