Gran never took her apron off unless she entertained company in the ‘front’ room. Her aprons served as splash collectors, pot holders, egg carriers and wash cloth to a fevered child’s brow. I never saw her use it to wash or dry feet but I might have been away that day.
If someone offered to help, she’d offer an apron. If they refused, Gran knew they had no intention of stirring the gravy or collecting eggs from the chicken house. These ‘bib’ folks happily set a chair to the table, but the only lifting they managed was a fork to their mouth. They came for the service, not for the serving.
We all wore bibs when we first met Jesus. Most of us grew up enough to hand in our bibs for aprons. We found a place to serve in our church. Perhaps we teach Sunday school or volunteer at the homeless shelter. We might be on the mission field or leading our neighbor to Christ. How exciting!
Unfortunately, the unbibbed continue to sit at the fellowship table, demanding to be fed. They ‘feel’ they aren’t ready or even qualified to do more. They sure are missing out, because Jesus is an apron kind of guy.
John 13:4b-So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron (MSG)
Matthew 20:28- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
What if we all put on our apron, bib and all, and did our part for the faith?
What if we don’t?
Romans 11:9- And David says, Let their table (their feasting, banqueting) become a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a just retribution [rebounding like a boomerang upon them] (AMP).
Prayer: Lord thanks for giving us a jolt in the right direction. We haven’t been fooling anybody, especially you (Psalm 139:2a). Amen.
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