The use of the F… word (see May 27) is not our only bad habit. I am sure you can think of many that you struggle with and no doubt you could pick out many of mine.
You might use the F…word all the time but if the pastor shows up all of a sudden you are cured.
You might eat chocolate cake every day but if you join a weight loss group, you might still eat it but not in front of your leader.
You see we do have self-control but we only use it when it suits us. Mostly these things are just ingrained habits now but we can change them with God’s help. Think of the kind of things we do that are bad for our health.
Which ones do you want God to help you deal with?
Will it be ‘bad for us’ food or beverages?
Will you choose emotional shopping, nose picking or hair pulling?
What about on-line habits like Facebook or video games?
A habit is a pattern of behaviour which is bad for your physical, mental or emotional health. It’s really about self- control. Think of the word itself-habit. Take away the H and you haven’t changed a bit. Remove the A and you still have a bit left. Remove the B and you still have it left.
Remove the IT and low and behold the HABIT is gone.
Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism. (Proverbs 18:9, MSG)
Prayer- Father God, we have done these things so often that we don’t even pay attention anymore. Make us aware Lord and help us to stop doing things that are wrong for us and those around us. Amen.
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