If you hear thunder in the distance, you can be hit by lightning because it can travel as much as 10 miles/16 kilometres from a storm. Get indoors immediately, even if it is not raining where you are!
Lightning can enter a home by direct strike or even through wires and pipes outside the house. Once inside, it can travel though land line phones, electrical wiring and even radio/ TV systems. It even moves through metal bars and wires inside concrete walls or floors!
Yes, lightning is both fierce and sneaky, but then, so is Satan.
For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14b, AMP)
Thankfully, God does not use a land line phone. When we are under attack, all we have to do is cry out to him in the name of Jesus.
Prayer- God, oh God, thank you for anointing and consecrating Jesus with strength, ability and power and then giving us access to him. (From Acts 10:38, AMP) For His sake. Amen
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