Did you ever wake up looking like a bird nested in your hair? What if we kept that look all day?
Unfortunately, some of us do keep that style, although it be in our attitude, not our hair!
Sadness and pain happen to us because we are part of the human race, but that doesn’t mean we cling to the feelings and let them nest in our hair.
If we have asked Jesus into our lives, we are a people of hope. Good things are about to happen and we should be rejoicing in that.
It is a decision we must make. Will it be gloom and doom and please feel sorry for me? Or will it be move on, go forward; help the other guy/gal?
Will we enjoy the life God gave us or waste it in bemoaning what we cannot change??
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5, AMP)
Prayer – Lord, we’ve had enough of the weeping. We choose your joy today. Amen
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