There’s Power in the Blood, an old Gospel hymn has an obvious meaning that there’s power in the blood of Jesus Christ to forgive sins. But there’s power in your blood too. There are personal benefits for the donor who donates blood, like it lowers blood pressure, raises good cholesterol levels (HDL) while lowering the bad (LDL), reduces dangerous platelets or clots, purifies the blood, stimulates the production of red (iron rich) blood cells, lowers the risk for heart attacks, heart disease and strokes. And there are indications that it may reduce the occurrence of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. But there is an even better reason to donate blood and it is that you could save someone’s life or several lives for that matter. But there is also another way your blood can save lives. It is for cancer patients.
When you give blood, it’s taking sides in a giant game of dodgeball. You are teaming up with the doctors, surgeons, lab workers, and cancer patients. Blood donors are most often overlooked in the fight against cancer. It is the person who donates blood that can give an adult or child a chance to fight for their life. And this is one in which the weakest link in the care system could prove fatal. That of the blood donor.
Take a look at the donor’s blood in relation to the fight against cancer:
Cancer is the number one use for blood platelets
- Cancer treatments can often lead to the need for blood transfusions
- Surgery to treat cancer is often a major operation and blood loss may require a quick transfusion on short notice
- Some cancers cause intestinal bleeding, which can lead to anemia and blood loss
- People with certain types of cancer might need blood transfusions because of the cancer itself
- Cancer patients with particular stages of leukemia may require blood or blood transfusions
You can visit the American Cancer Society’s website to find out more about how you can donate intentionally, for the express purpose of helping cancer patients. They need blood just as bad as someone bleeding from an accident in some hospital. Jamie Gregory didn’t make it. He died at age 9. But without blood transfusions, he would not have lived that long. Give blood for others, for some are fighting for their life. If not you, then who?
Well, the last time I attempted to give, I got deferred for simply having a heartbeat that was a touch too fast. I was willing to sign a waiver since they say they need A-, however, they weren’t willing to risk it. I hear it takes $100 to process a donation, I guess that’s why they don’t pay for them anymore. I was deferred at the table, which means the head nurse said I was ok to go. I don’t want to have to go through this colossal waste of time again. Should I take myself off the donor’s list? If this is happening to me, then it’s happening to others. I give in San Diego every year, which is when this happened. They said donations were down, and I believe it’s because they didn’t want to deal with anyone that wasn’t an easy donation. I may not give again.
Yes, it does happen, but it is in the best interests of the donor. I contacted the American Red Cross and they say it is rare. I was deferred once in 32 years, but it was because my iron levels were too low. I do not believe it is a huge problem, perhaps more there in S.D. for some reason, but the thing is, at least you tried. Many have never donated, and I am simply trying to have others attempt to do so. I am sorry for your experience, but God bless you…you at least tried. To that I say thank you.