“Let’s do this again soon,” she smiled as we parted. Meanwhile I was thinking to myself–NO WAY!
You see, I thought I was having a lovely lunch with a friend today… but what I got was a lonely lunch with myself, while my friend blathered on her cell phone to several of her unseen, but obviously more important than me, companions. Meanwhile I munched my sandwich and thought ungodly thoughts.
There was a day when we were enslaved by our fear of death. (Hebrews 2:14-15, NIV) but all that changed when we met Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. He conquered fear and death. Now the rest of us find ourselves stuck in the company of enslaved cell phone users who obviously value that mechanical gadget more than flesh and blood.
Christ came to set us free. Why then do we let ourselves be enslaved all over again?
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1, NIV)
Prayer – Father, give us the wisdom to use our freedom to be free… Amen
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