We can’t say fear and faith together because they cannot endure together. We must have one or the other.
Technically though, they do have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see.
Where do you stand on this question of fear or faith?
Are you fearful or anxious ‘in case of’ fear or danger? Why not instead choose faith that what ever happens, God will help us?
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. (Hebrews 1:11, MSG)
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10, NIV)
Prayer- God, help us to understand that fearful faith is not an option. Amen.
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