When I wrote “Meeting Myself, Snippets from a Binging and Bulging Mind,” I had to paw through tons of mind garbage that I would rather not have revisited. Some days I felt like Paul in a Roman prison, waist deep in a sewer. Truths I never wanted to see again surfaced into sight from a boiling pool of oil. Thankfully that oil changed from the type that made me cry 'burn me into ashes, erase all these memories,' into the healing balm of the Holy Spirit.
The book helped me clean out my personal junk storage and readers say it’s helping them with their own abuse/eating issues.
Yet I still wonder about the mind of the abuser. I ask myself if they care that they left a shattered person behind them. Surely if they did they would never abuse. Would they? It is said that abusers have themselves been abused. If they met that pain, endured that horror, surely they would not want to inflict it on another. Would they?
The Bible gives fair warning to all who abuse. Oh yes it does. Check out Matthew 18:6-7.
“But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you'll soon wish you hadn't. You'd be better off dropped in the middle of the lake with a millstone around your neck. Doom to the world for giving these God-believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable, but you don't have to make it worse—and it's doomsday to you if you do (MSG)
A millstone is one of two massive circular stones used to grind grain in a mill. You can see one at any farming museum. Picture a person with their head through the center of that. God takes child abuse seriously.
Yet we, the abused, remain shattered. Or do we? Not if we receive the healing offered through the Christ. Not if we let our minds be renewed and declare our bodies as God’s.
What has God called you to face that seems unendurable? Whatever it is, God's Holy Spirit will get you through it.
Prayer: Lord, give us, the abused children of your world, your grace, healing and peace. Grant a sensible mind to those who abuse so that they might be willing to walk a new life that no longer includes an attack on the powerless. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
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