Acts 18:3, 4– And because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and they were working; for by trade they were tent-makers. And he was reasoning in the synagogue every Sabbath and trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.(NASB)
Our waitress glowered at us when she brought my coffee. Would a sandwich order bring actual verbal abuse? Throwing caution to the winds, I spoke up.
“You know you would get more tips if you just smiled a bit.”
Her eyes showed shocked surprise. She said nothing, but she took my order and brought back a toasted bacon and tomato with a smile.
I hope I encouraged this behaviour. I left a generous tip.
We’ve all met a few less than desirable employees. Perhaps at one point, we actually were one.
Our job description doesn’t matter. What we do at our job does. What kind of employee are we? Are we pleasant and cheerful ? Are we the kind of person someone would want to visit with? Are we befriending anyone? With whom can we share Christ? Who will we invite to church?
Prayer: Lord, we all have the occasional bad day, but help us not to spread it around at our job (or our home). Help us always to be the approachable sort, the kind that anyone would feel comfortable if they chose to ask about our Christ. Amen
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