Hebrews 12:13–Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed (NIV).
While I do like to salvage and recycle our old Christmas cards, I didn’t ever think that I would become one of those modern day scrap bookers, until I came across a wonderful box of scissors, selling for a mere pittance! Twenty pairs and each one has a different edge, a different cut.
I can trim edges in any shape. I can cut scallops, waves, hearts, sunflowers and dozens more. I tell you, I have become a wild woman! There isn’t a shred of paper free from my enhancement!
I wondered though, about our lives and what kind of paths we are creating. Are they are wavy or scalloped? Are we letting them meander in crooked paths that take us far from God? We are not slips of paper, yearning for decoration. No. We are God’s children and we are called to a solid path, in a straight line, toward God.
Prayer: Father God, when we stand before you, you will ask us about our walk and the paths we choose over our lifetime. We will have to explain why we waffled when we knew to stand firm. We will try to explain our jigsaw journey around something you placed in our path. Our tears will be unending when we finally understand the harm we did by not walking on your straight and narrow path. Lord, help us to straighten up before it’s too late. Amen
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