Does prayer work? Nobody knew the answer to that better than Peter.
“Simon, stay on your toes. Satan has tried his best to separate all of you from me, like chaff from wheat. (Luke 22:31-32, MSG)
Note that Jesus called Peter by his old name, Simon. But Peter being Simon, that is, succumbing to his old self…insists he will not ever let the Lord Jesus down.
Peter said, “Master, I’m ready for anything with you. I’d go to jail for you. I’d die for you!”
Jesus said, “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Peter, but before the rooster crows you will have three times denied that you know me.” (Luke 22:33-34, MSG)
Note that Peter answered as his new self…Peter. He had no idea what he was talking about and did not realize the power of his old nature.
So often we intend to follow the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly…until our old selves show up out of no where. Thankfully, Jesus interceded and prayed extra hard for Simon/Peter.
“Simon, stay on your toes. Satan has tried his best to separate all of you from me, like chaff from wheat. Simon, I’ve prayed for you in particular that you not give in or give out. When you have come through the time of testing, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start (Luke 22:31-32, MSG)
And he intercedes for us…
I write this, dear children, to guide you out of sin. But if anyone does sin, we have a Priest-Friend in the presence of the Father: Jesus Christ, righteous Jesus. (1John 2:1, MSG)
Prayer-Father –we say THANK YOU AND AMEN!
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