My new yellow-handled kitchen shears made me happy just to look at them. What a joy it would be to chop my Forgotten Chicken ingredients with them..
My Forgotten Chicken recipe needs: 2 pounds of boneless/ skinless chicken pieces, 1-10 oz tin of cream of chicken soup, mixed with 10 oz of milk, 1 small package of dry onion soup mix (or to taste) and ¾ cup of white rice. Layer the rice into a non-stick roasting pan. Add the chicken, and soup mix, then cover and bake for about an hour at 350F or until the ingredients are cooked through.
While I waited for dinner, I turned on the dishwasher and sat down to watch the news on TV. After about 30 minutes the kitchen stunk to high heaven. I ran to the oven, expecting chaos, yet finding none. The culprit lurked in the dishwasher. Those happy handled kitchen shears did not like the heat.
Did it ever occur to you that we are like those shears? Our real self only shows up when life’s circumstances assail us. Will we be beautiful yellow handled shears or will we be those who take the heat of life and stinketh not? After all, the chicken recipe may be forgotten, but God never forgets us!
For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5b, KJV)
Prayer – God, help us be faithful in both word and deed. Amen
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