Psalm 24:3-4– Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully (NRSV).
It was terrible! The gouging, the scraping, the digging and finally, even worse, I got the bill. In spite of my daily brushings, little particles of plaque had to be removed.
Sooner or later, everything needs a really good scrubbing, doesn’t it? Food-spattered kitchen floors, mud-splashed cars, water-logged babies and yes, even hearts need a good going over. The longer we leave a mess, the worse it gets. We can keep pretending that the dirt is not there, but the signs are obvious. Sooner or later someone has got to clean out those hard-to-reach-corners.
Little sins are like plaque. They attach themselves to our God-cleaned hearts and harden them. Where does the gouging of the Holy Spirit need to reach into our lives today?
Prayer: Father, You have washed us in the blood of Jesus. You have purified and cleansed us. Now, Father, scrub at any plaque on our hearts and make us fresh again. Amen.
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