Here’s how to spot a phony a not-who-he-says-he-is scammer who is only after your money.
- They play on our fear and our greed.
- There is always a do-it-quick attitude.
- They hope we won’t take time to verify the truth of their story.
- They like secrecy because they know that if we take the time to call a policeman or trusted friend, we’ll figure out their lies.
- They always want the money quickly, in cash or by a company like Western Union, because once the money is gone, it’s gone and it won’t be yours any more.
Don’t be a scammed. Use your head. THINK before you act.
That’s exactly what God expects us to do before we make a decision to follow him. Think today. We’ll talk more tomorrow.
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? (Luke 14:28, NIV)
Prayer – Lord show us yourself today and make our hearts ready for tomorrow’s decision. Amen
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