Two Canadian geese forged a nest by the front door of a local office. The staff, (now using the back door), watched with delight while six eggs were nested and then hatched. Soon came the day of the first walk around the building. The office staff smiled as six chicks set out, but laughed out loud when three sat down about halfway round.
It took much coaching, prodding and pushing from the parents, but eventually all six made it home to the finish line, the finish line which was also the starting line. No doubt the little ones asked why they had to make this journey. They ended up right where they started. The parents might have replied, “Yes we are geese and geese swim and fly, but walking strengthens us for those things.”
Do you sometimes feel like those goslings? Are you are just going in circles, starting out with good intentions and tending up right back where you started? Do you ever ask God why? And if you did you might hear him say… “Dear One, it strengthens your legs for the others things I have in mind for you.”
For this reason we also … have not ceased to pray and make special] request for you, [asking] …That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him. (From Colossians 1:9-10, AMP)
Prayer – Father God, help us to walk even when it all seems so repetitive and useless; counting on the fact that you are strengthening our legs for whatever lies ahead. Amen
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