What was your life highpoint? A speech you gave in grade eight; a football touchdown or Queen of the prom? Are we still living in the dreams of past glory?
That’s a little awkward when we no longer fit that successful image.
We aren’t a big cheese in the world of speakers. Flab and arthritis replaced our football physique. Our faded blond curls shine brassy with fake coloring, while wrinkles surround our captivating smile.
Yes, its hard to keep up an old image. Isn’t it time to find and delight in a new high point?
Only you can decide that new high point. It may be something as simple as providing for your family over many years, or walking 10,000 steps every day or loving on your grandchildren.
Your choice should be a long-time goal with personal satisfaction; with more meaning than a onetime football catch in the off zone.
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14, NIV)
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