Do you know . . .
- What is Cock-a-Leekie and what is in it?
- What is in Haggis?
- Have you ever eaten a Cloutie? What is it made of?
- Is a Tweed Kettle made of copper or iron?
The answers . . .
Cock-a-Leekie is chicken soup sweetened with prunes.
Haggis is made of sheep’s’ pluck (?!), heart, lights and liver, suet, oatmeal and seasonings.
Cloutie is a sweet, spicy boiled pudding.
A Tweed Kettle is made of neither copper nor iron, but poached salmon.
According to my informant, only a Scotsman would know the answers to these questions.
Accordingly, only a Christian would know the true joy of following the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. That means we should be able to explain it to someone else.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace (Isaiah 55:11-12a, NIV)
Prayer-Lord God, thank you for the joy of knowing You and Your salvation available only in Christ. Amen.
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