Psalm 51:10–Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me (KJV).
“At a time when many of us are leading longer, healthier and more vital lives than our ancestors, saturation advertising and sick awareness-raising campaigns are turning the worried well into the worried sick.” (Selling Sickness by Ray Moynihan & Alan Cassels)
I could easily become a hypochondriac. The television blares out cures for diseases that I didn’t even know I could get. Lawyers offer class action suits if I will only get this illness or that. There are fancy new names for things our parents called headache, tiredness, busy, active children and old age.
Most of us will not contract these sicknesses, but there is one disease that we have all had at one time or another. It is the Dis-ease in our spirit when we are separated from God.
The only cure is a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Where do we stand today with God?
Prayer: Lord, even though we know You personally, we tend to wander away. Tug at our hearts today, Lord. Cure our Dis-ease with an awareness of your presence. In Christ’s name. Amen
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