'Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.' (Isaiah 46:9)
I find that I kind of stagger through life. Yes, I know that sounds like I might be off balance, and in some ways I probably am, but my meaning is that I need direction. And so do you!
I can start out my day with purpose and delight. Then as the day progresses, and I get to doing the things I do, my mood starts to change, and I can tend to get a wee bit testy. As I move on through my day, I start to notice people 'skirting' past me, staying out of my line of fire. Then it starts to hit me; I am not showing Jesus.
Somewhere along the way I have lost my focus. It is only when the Holy Spirit decides that enough is enough, and He speaks to my heart, that I see exactly how I have been acting. He will allow it to go on for awhile, probably hoping I will buck up and get right. But sometimes I think we all get so engrossed in our activities that we tend to not see anything, or anyone, beyond ourselves.
I have learned to stop what I am doing periodically, to take stock of where I am and what I am feeling. This helps me to be aware of how I am behaving towards others, whether there is love in it, or selfishness. After all, the Heavenly Father has told us that we are to be salt, and light, and love. And if we are so full of ourselves that we cannot see how we are appearing to others, then we are not obeying His commands.
He is God. He is the only One who matters. He is who we should be pleasing, serving, adoring. But if we get caught up in our own fleshly ways, our focus is not on Him. And we are not contributing to His Kingdom. What use are we to Him then?
It matters not if we have natural gifts that God has given us. It makes no difference if we have studied and learned and excelled at memorization of verses. It is only important that we take what He gives us and use it for His purposes and not ours. For He is God…there is indeed none like Him. And He will enable us to do whatever it is He wants us to do. But we must let Him.
There is no other being on the face of the earth or in any universe to equal our God. He is the Great I Am. Let's focus on Him alone, and get the job done. For believe me, if you are obedient and have a willing heart, and drop your cause to the ground daily, and pick up His cross, then you will be used by Him, and the possibilities are endless.
There is none like Him. And I am glad of it! He reigns supreme. Let us adore Him!
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