The Big Idea: The Best of the Best Around the Net links you to the top five blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living.
No More Bible Bandaids
Mike Emlet begins a blog series called No More Bible Bandaids. It’s taken from portions of his excellent book CrossTalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet. (Read a Review of CrossTalk. CrossTalk, like Spiritual Friends, each teach practical remedies for “take two verses and call me in the morning.” They provide instead a robust, relational approach to speaking the truth in love.
African American Christians Focus on the Family
A new study reported by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that African American families focus on their family and their faith at a higher rate than other Americans. Read the full article and learn more about the study at Religion Helps Marriages.
The Making of African America
Phil Monroe shares some counseling implications he’s pondered as he is reading Ira Berlin’s The Making of African America: The Four Great Migrations. Phil asks what impact change of place — whether chosen or forced, has upon our theology. For an extensive discussion of how African Americans responded to forced change of place, see Beyond the Suffering: Embracing the Legacy of African American Soul Care.
Just the Way I Am
John Piper recommends Just the Way I Am as a great book to buy to address the age-old question of why God allows evil and suffering. Check out his video here. For a 1,000-word summary of a Christian approach to facing suffering face-to-face with God, read A Biblical Model of Grieving.
Theology Today
Kevin DeYoung blogs about A Great Opportunity for Theology. Quoting from Dorothy Sayers’ Letters to a Diminished Church, DeYoung reflects on how American church culture provides a great opportunity for great theology.
Of The Best of the Best Around the Net, which post impacted you the most? Why? What blog posts have you enjoyed this week that you want to share with others?
Thanks for posting this. I’m always interesting in new links to Christian content! I am checking out several of the links now! Jeff “If you have Articles, Blogs or Sites you want to share with other Christians, add them at – Where you can help to bring God Online!”