Those Other Guys

As you heard earlier, I am a great fan of The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, but I also support CSM Canada Inc. (   They collect Christian reading material and distribute it to people who have none.  Their aim is Worldwide Distribution of Evangelical Literature.

Then of course, as a speaker for RSVP Ministries, (formerly Stonecroft) I get to share Christ and invite women into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

And who could forget, a Christian internet radio station that provides daily programming to English-speaking Christians around the world?

Or that you are reading right this minute! Its goal is to provide Biblical truth for everyday life.

As I look at my favorites, I see a pattern. All of these ministries involve speaking and writing.

That is what I do, so it is no surprise that these are some of my favorites.  Does that make all other ministries wrong? No, it certainly does not.

Find your passion, the one that shares Christ and work with them, stick to them, and help them all you can, because Jesus made that clear.

John spoke up, “Master, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we stopped him because he wasn’t of our group.” Jesus said, “Don’t stop him. If he’s not an enemy, he’s an ally.”(Luke 9:50, MSG)

Prayer- Father, we choose to work where you have us, to spread the Gospel of Christ. Amen.

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