My husband Ron served by fixing things and helping people in every way he could. Mostly I teach, sometimes in a class, a seminar or a conference and sometimes with my writing. Ron and I enjoyed sharing our successes and failures. We delighted in seeing God work through us.
Then Ron died. I felt like I was alone in my service, until a precious reader sent me this.
Dear Sister in the Lord:
…And your husband is present in the Communion of Saints too: both of you continue in the same Church. He is worshipping in the Church Triumphant and you in the Church Militant. But the Lord is the Head of both. You are together in Him, now and forever.
What a comfort to think that we both soldier on together….Ron in the graduating class and me on the front lines.
Prayer- Thanks Lord, that so many of our loved ones have graduated triumphantly into heaven while we continue in service here, trusting You to send our transfer papers some day. In Christ. Amen
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