The seven-year-old found the cupcakes early in the am. He ate the icing and part of the first cupcake. The second had a small bite and all of the icing missing. The third (and last one) only had the icing licked off the top.
The cupcakes hadn’t changed but his desire for them had. The novelty wore off. He was full at the last and only took what he really wanted.
That’s likely where your Christmas presents are now. They are separated into definite categories; the ones you like and use, the ones that broken already, the gimmick short term enjoyment ones and the food which you either gobbled or gave away.
It’s easier to do that now because the novelty has worn off. Now we see those gifts through the true light of day, not through bunches of ribbon and shiny paper.
The one true gift is the Christ who is the reason for the season in the first place.
Now thanks be to God for His Gift, [precious] beyond telling [His indescribable, inexpressible, free Gift]! (2 Corinthians 9:15, AMP)
Prayer -Father God, thank you for all that you are and give to us, we who deserve nothing but have everything through your gift of Christ and eternal life. Amen
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