I wrote this when in the cancer ward on one of those many days Ron had to go there.
The audience attends me; they focus on each line.
I perform with majesty. My message is sublime.
The lights are bright; the stage still set. My autograph they crave.
I keep my pen quite active. My heart and spirit brave.
I climb again to pedestal, performing now my best.
The audience is with me. My buttons pop off chest.
I give a great performance. What else is there to do?
The crowds keep on a-coming. Applause? It sees me through.
So I spend another morning, I.V. firmly stuck in arm.
Chemo pouring in me, nurses round me swarm.
And other stars? They join me and line up for a go,
‘Cause the cancer ward is blooming, but I wish it wasn’t so.
Also [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up). (Luke 18:1, Amp)
Prayer – Lord, give us courage to face what ever our lives hold–choosing you–no matter what. Amen.
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