- At dusk you will eat meat
- At dawn you’ll eat your fill of bread
- You’ll realize that I am God, your God.
- that evening quail flew in and covered the camp
- In the morning a layer of dew covered the camp.
- the layer of dew lifted
- There on the wilderness ground was a fine flaky something, fine as frost on the ground.
- The Israelites had no idea what it was.
- Moses explained that it was the bread God has given them to eat.
- Moses gave gathering instructions
- The Israelites named it manna (What is it?).
- It looked like coriander seed, whitish. And it tasted like a cracker with honey.
- The Israelites ate the manna for forty years until they arrived at the land where they would settle down.
- They ate manna until they reached the border into Canaan.
Read all this for yourself in Exodus 16 and seriously consider those quail.
Prayer – Lord, give us grateful hearts for whatever manna you send our way to day. Amen
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