Someone sent me this easy word puzzle. Can you figure out the meaning of each word?
- Bernadette
- Burglarize
- Avoidable
- Heroes
- Paradox
- Pharmacist
- Relief
- Selfish
Got the answers yet? It’s not easy when you don’t have a clue! Unfortunately, that is how we sometimes tell others about God. We use words they don’t understand and then are puzzled when no one is interested in Jesus.
We’d have more success if we stopped talking doctrine and followed the lead of Moses and the Israelites. They just told people what God did for them.
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to God, giving voice together, I’m singing my heart out to God—what a victory! He pitched horse and rider into the sea. God is my strength; God is my song, and, yes! God is my salvation. This is the kind of God I have and I’m telling the world! This is the God of my father— I’m spreading the news far and wide! (Exodus 15:1-3, MSG)
Oh, and the word puzzle? Stay tuned for tomorrow’s devotional!
Prayer – Lord, give us the courage to tell others what you’ve done in our lives, so that they too will choose to follow you. For Christ, Amen
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