I hope I caught you in time with that garage sale business because I just found out that there are a ton of rules about selling. You’ll want to check out the ones applying to your area.
Here we are legally responsible for all products that we sell. They have to meet current safety requirements. It’s the seller’s job to find out if there are a recalls on an item and destroy it if it cannot be safely used. Even that tired old microwave must meet radiation emitting standards. If we sell it anyway, we might be charged.
There’s even a list of illegal-to-sell stuff. I’ve seen these items for sale and I am sure you have too. I guess people don’t know that they are breaking the law and could be charged. These include baby walkers, any infant self-feeding devices, lawn darts with elongated tips, and baby bottles made with BPA and jequirity beans.
Castor and jequirity beans contain one of the most lethal toxins known today. Check your jewellery box; they are often used in many types of necklaces, including prayer or rosary beads.
Just think of it, poison for sale right in our own front yards, well, along with the kind in this verse.
They sharpen their tongues like a serpent’s; adders’ poison is under their lips. (Psalm 140:3a, AMP)
Prayer – Father, thanks for pointing out our duty to our garage sale clients, and our mouths. Amen
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