The Christmas season is coming near. (Of course, it does every year at this time!) The trouble with Christmas is that addiction fever rises to the top during those six to eight weeks. Generally sensible people suddenly drink or do drugs and then drive a vehicle.
When that happens, innocent people die. Oh you may get away with it a time or two but the day will come when you, your drunkenness and the innocent people you killed, will be the front page headlines.
Here in Canada the R.I.D.E programs, (reduce impaired driving everywhere) will be in force. If you are convicted, the average cost to you will be almost $20,000. Even in Canadian money, that’s a bunch!
Your car will be towed and impounded. You’ll need a lawyer; you will pay heavy fines and your insurances costs increase too.
And then there are those lives you took… and the jail time and your conscience. When you are finally sober, how will you ever live with that? So this season, let it be about Jesus, not your drunk driving.
Love your neighbor as yourself. (Mark 12:31b, NIV)
Prayer – Lord, help each of us to live responsibly, thinking of the other guy more than ourselves. Amen
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