We buy enough candy canes to circle the world three times! Apparently, that is 1.8 billion candy canes that are eaten in the weeks before Christmas.
I beg to differ. We might buy that many candy canes; but eat them? There are bunches left over around this house.
Some of us do not take advantage of all the sweetness life has to offer, whether it is the sweetness of sugary candy canes or the sweetness of wisdom.
Listen carefully to my wisdom; take to heart what I can teach you. You’ll treasure its sweetness deep within; you’ll give it bold expression in your speech. (Proverbs 22:17-18)
When we have a personal relationship with Christ, we have free access to all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:2)
Candy cane season is over but our access to Christ? Never.
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